Aims and Objectives:
- To promote education, culture, love, economic empowerment, and social upliftment, with a specific focus on women, in order to improve their overall status in society.
- To establish necessary infrastructure and organize specialized programs for the holistic development of economically and socially disadvantaged children.
- To empower women living below the poverty line by forming and supporting Self-Help Groups, providing them with vocational skills training and self-employment opportunities.
- To engage rural unemployed youth and adults by equipping them with entrepreneurial skills and facilitating their involvement in small-scale and cottage industries.
- To provide legal aid programs and information related to women and child development schemes, both at the state and central levels, to ensure the realization of national development goals.
- To establish educational institutions, conduct research on social issues, and disseminate suitable remedial measures for effective implementation.
- To promote healthcare awareness, indigenous remedies, and encourage herbal plantations.
- To encourage women and farmers to participate in organic agricultural programs, promote bio-intensive gardens, and disseminate knowledge about sustainable farming practices.
- To raise awareness about environmental issues, including global warming, biodiversity conservation, and involve stakeholders in tree plantation and other conservation programs.
- To organize seminars, workshops, rallies, and cultural programs involving various stakeholders to address national environmental issues, contribute to rural development, and protect nature.
- To encourage women’s and farmers’ groups and associations to undertake non-conventional energy programs for sustainable energy needs.
- To promote innovative and appropriate rural technologies through collaborations with agencies, universities, institutes, and research organizations.
- To provide training for voluntary workers, social workers, and government personnel to enhance their skills for the effective implementation of development programs.
- To foster national integration through rallies, cultural events, and seminars to promote unity and harmony among communities.